Description: Sarah Gaventa preaches on living in a beloved community when all members do not see eye to eye. The Scripture readings were Romans 14:1-12 and Matthew 18:21-35.
Description: After listing the myriad ways people fall short, Sarah Gaventa offers the comfort of knowing that Jesus sees us in our imperfections and offers us Grace so that we may offer it to others. The Scripture readings was Luke 6:17-26.
Description: Sarah Gaventa reminds us that God will support us through the wilderness, pandemics, and all of our struggles. The Scripture readings were Psalm 114 and Exodus 15:19-26, 16:1-3.
Description: Sarah Gaventa contrasts the responses of the Samaritan woman at the well and Nicodemus to Jesus in this chapel sermon. The Scripture readings were Psalm 121 and John 3:1-17.
Description: Chapel Sermon delivered by Sarah Gaventa on September 18, 2018. The scripture reading was John 7:37-39. Focuses on how the presence of Christ blesses us and others. Part of the "Hodie: God's Today" sermon series.
Description: Ash Wednesday Sermon delivered by Sarah Gaventa on February 14, 2018. Scripture readings were Isaiah 58:1-12, 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, and Matthew 6:1-6 & 16-21.
Description: Chapel Sermon delivered by Sarah Gaventa September 19, 2017 as part of the "Here I stand" faculty sermon series. Scripture readings were Pslam 130 and John 2:1-11.