Description: We will talk about the way the sacred is weaponized by elite powers to shape social reality, the way it grants permanence to the negating of the inherent sacred worth of the black and brown bodies of those approaching or crossing the border, while…
Description: Gregory Cuéllar preaches from the story of Sarai and her servant Hagar in Genesis 16 and points out ways in which we also fail to see the humanity and suffering of others.
Description: Gregory Cuéllar asks "why should we care?" and answers with some principles from Psalm 23 why and how we should concern ourselves with the well-being of others.
Description: Gregory Cúellar highlights the parallels between the story of Moses in the Nile and the unaccompanied Central American minors journeying to the United States. The Scripture reading was Exodus 2: 1-10.
Description: Gregory Cuéllar discusses the changes biblical criticism underwent in the 18th century, focusing on the rise of an emphasis on the collection and collation of textual artifacts.
Description: Gregory Cuéllar preaches on how the stone the builders rejected has becoming the cornerstone, and how Jesus makes the "other" become the new standard. Scripture readings were John 20:19-31 and Psalm 118:21-23.