Browse Items (1093 total)
Description: A newspaper clipping of picture and description of Austin Seminary community member Ricky Holmes and the excitement of and anticipation of the Christmas holiday circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin American Statesman
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Text
Description: A photograph of Austin Seminary students at an outdoor gathering, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of Austin Seminary students at an outdoor gathering, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of Austin Seminary students at Mo Ranch retreat, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of Austin Seminary students at an outdoor gathering, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: Photograph of C. Ellis Nelson, center, at Austin Seminary reception, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of John Otey with fellow seminary students at a Mo Ranch retreat, circa 1950s.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of David Hare, George Liu, Nam Park, and fellow seminary students at a Mo Ranch retreat.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: Photograph of students exiting the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary chapel.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
Description: A photograph of Austin Seminary community members seated in a lounge.
Creator: Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Date: 1950/1959
Type: Still Image
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