2023 MidWinters


2023 MidWinters

Collection Items

First MidWinter Sermon
For opening worship of MidWinters 2023, Natalie Webb preaches for the church to stop focusing on the spirit at the the expense of the physical. The Scripture readings were Corinthians 15:35-44 and Matthew 28:16-20.

I: Reality, Grief, and Hope
In this First Currie lecture of 2023 Timothy Beal asks how we respond to what may be a finite human future.

Pedagogy of the Ancestors
First Westervelt Lecture of MidWinters 2023. Patrick Reyes asks questions to encourage "unstuck in time" thinking and expand our vision.

Healing Our Broken Humanity
First Jones lecture of MidWinters 2023. Grace Ji-Sun Kim recounts the discrimination faced by Asian Americans, past and present, and offers lament as a remedy.

II: Composting Christianity
In this Second Currie lecture of 2023 Timothy Beal asks how we can break down and reconceive Christianity in light of the climate crisis.

Second MidWinter Sermon
Second Midwinter Sermon of 2023. The Scripture readings were Corinthians 15:35-44 and Matthew 28:16-20.

Remember the Future
Second Westervelt lecture of MidWinters 2023. Patrick Reyes shares methods to visualize your future self through community interaction.

Theology of Visibility
For the Second Jones Lecture of MidWinters 2023 Grace Ji-Sun Kim outlines a theology to make visible peoples who are overlooked.

III: Creating Space
In the Third and final Currie lecture of MidWinters 2023 Timothy Beal discusses the resources at hand to imagine new possibilities.
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