2010 MidWinters


2010 MidWinters

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For this Reason: The Dignity of Denominational Differences
In this second Westervelt lecture of 2010 Barbara Wheeler discusses the ways in which different Christian denominations need each other.

It's Just a Rock!  Nurturing the Religious Imagination in a Cynical Age
Second Jones lecture of 2010. Rodger Nishioka explores the ways to create openings for imagination.

Marked as the Imago Dei: Human Beings and our Capacity to Imagine
First Jones lecture of 2010. Rodger Nishioka lectures on the importance of imagination to open possibilities to become co-creators with Christ.

The Embarrassing Role of Theology in Ministry
Third Currie lecture of 2010. Tom Currie concludes the lecture series by examining the gulf between theology and the ministry of the church.

The Embarrassing Place of Ministry
Second Currie lecture of 2010. Tom Currie discusses how the Gnostic impulse of modern culture ignores context and embodiment.

The Embarrassing Work of ministry
First Currie Lecture of 2010. Tom Currie discusses self-consciousness that impedes the life of faith.

Point Jesus Out
In this second MidWinter sermon of 2010 Brian Blount asks us to point Jesus out to a world that doesn't recognize him. The Scripture reading was Mark 14:43-46.

Brian Blount preaches on the cost of calling during opening worship for the 2010 MidWinter lectures. The Scripture reading was Mark 14:32-41.
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