2013 MidWinters
2013 MidWinters
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary's 2013 Midwinter lectures. Speakers include Karl Travis, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, Joseph Small, and Margaret Aymer.
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Collection Items
Migrant Writings as Scripture
Building on her previous lecture in which she reflected on the ways that New Testament writings are migrant writings, Margaret Aymer discusses the implications for our modern reading of scripture.
The New Testament as Migrant Writings
Margaret Aymer makes the case that the New Testament has the characteristics of migrant writings and paints a picture of early Christianity as communities of migrants.
A Company of Criminals
Joe Small dicusss Nature and purpose of the church in this second Westervelt lecture of 2013.
The Body Lies Bleeding
Joe Small discusses the history of church splits and ecclesiastical dialogue in this first Westervelt lecture of 2013.
Bulls, Bears, and Baptisms
Karl Travis preaches on the problems of income inequality in our society and the churches response. The scripture reading was Mark 12:41-44.
Fair Balance
Karl Travis preaches on the difficulty of following Jesus in the world's wealthiest nation in this opening MidWinter sermon of 2013. He urges us to reverse the cultural order of things by extending a hand down the income ladder, rather than…
Theological Courage for an Economy of Sharing
In this third and final Currie lecture of 2013, Hinson-Hasty explores practical questions around alternative economic models, the theological courage to confront market idolatry, and economic injustice.
Table of Grace and an Ethic of Enough
In the second Currie Lecture of Midwinters 2013, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty discusses the need for imagination, courage, and compassion in order to see the stories people suffering rather than mere statistics.
Driving Forces Behind an Ethic of Scarcity
In this First Currie Lecture of 2013, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty discusses our the impact of our approach to wealth creation and over consumption.
Collection Tree
- MidWinters
- 2013 MidWinters