Need to Know


Need to Know


Originally released on audio CD, Austin Presbyterian's "need to know" series was produced by the Education Beyond the Walls and informed listeners on matters of theology, world religions, ethics, and pastoral care.

Collection Items

Loss, Grief, and Mourning
Allan Cole presents five things you need to know on grief and bereavement.

Healthy Leadership
This workshop presents ten things to know about healthy leadership.

Christian Marriage/Gay Marriage: A Reformed Theological Perspective
David Jensen discusses Christian traditions of marriage and how they relate to same-sex marriage.

Christian Spirituality
David Johnson's overview of Christian spirituality and practices released as part of the "Need to Know" series.

Practicing Discernment With Youth, Vol. 2
In Practicing Discernment with Youth, White calls for congregations to engage their young people in practices of discernment that involve the gifts and problems of their unique context, bringing their lives more fully into partnership with God's work…

Practicing Discernment With Youth, Vol. 1
In Practicing Discernment with Youth, White calls for congregations to engage their young people in practices of discernment that involve the gifts and problems of their unique context, bringing their lives more fully into partnership with God's work…
View all 6 items

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